Sunday, July 25, 2010

Yesterday we were supposed to have some local dancers come give a performance at our training house. I invited my host family but somehow it worked out to just be me and three of my host siblings. Lots of trainees ended up bringing their family's kids too and they were all getting pretty antsy waiting for the dancers to arrive. So, we started a game of duck, duck, goose with them. Except nobody knew the word for goose in French so we called it canard, canard, poulet (chicken). Anyways the dancers never ended up showing up! They just call it "African Time" when people are late but this was pretty ridiculous because they didn't show up for two hours... all of which I spent chasing around these little critters... just like back in NJ. The first video is my friend Julia filming the chaos of the training house as all the trainees and their host famalies were waiting for the dancers. In the end, our trainers ended up doing a little impromptu song/dance, the second video.

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